Google Maps

[구글 커넥트 라이브] Google Connect Live 2020 지원 양식 - 구글로컬가이드

고바마 2020. 8. 22. 17:28

구글 로컬 가이드
Google Local Guides

구글로컬가이드 레벨10 - Steven Ko


Contributions by Steven Ko

Level 10 Local Guide | 239,004 Points

매년 10월 또는 11월에 구글은 전세계의
구글로컬가이드 200명을 초청하여 샌프란시스코에서 커넥트 라이브 행사를 개최합니다. 2020년은 코로나 바이러스로 인하여 Google Connect Live 2020 행사는 취소되었습니다.


Google 지도에 참여하는 방법

구글지역가이드(GoogleLocalGuides)는 Google 지도에서 리뷰, 사진, 정보를 공유하여 수백만 사용자가 세상을 더 흥미롭게 탐험하도록 돕습니다. 다음은 이렇게 도울 수 있는 방법입니다. 포인트, 레벨,

지난 3월 커넥트 라이브의 지원 양식입니다.

구글 커넥트 라이브 2020
Google Connect Live 2020

Connect Live 2020 Application

● Applicants are required to share a video up to 60 seconds with their application. 
Please select ONE of the following prompts for your video:
• Show or tell us about your favorite place on Google Maps and explain what makes it special.
• Tell us how you discovered the Local Guides program and how it has impacted your life.
Please share a link to your application video on YouTube.
☞ ____________________
- Applicants are required to speak on-camera in English.
The video must be uploaded onto YouTube but may be unlisted.
For further guidance, check out our video tips for your Connect Live 2020 application here.

● Write a new post in Local Stories on Connect responding to one of the following prompts:
• What is the most interesting thing you've done as a Local Guide?
• What does the Local Guides program mean to you?
Post your response in English using the Local Stories topic, then paste the link to your Connect post here.
☞ ____________________
- Your post should address one of the two Connect post prompt options.
If you are new to Connect, please visit and sign up using the same Google account you use for the Local Guides program.
Click on the profile icon on the top right corner to log into your Connect account.
This post will help you learn more about Connect.

● Create a new list on Google Maps and share a link below.
For example:
• 7 Wheelchair-Accessible Restaurants in Mumbai
• Great Spots to Listen to Live Music in Tokyo
• The Best Burgers in NYC
It can be about any theme, but be sure to include a title, description, and at least five places.
Create your list in English.
☞ ____________________
- This Help Center article will walk you through how to create a Google Maps list on Android, computer, or iPhone and iPad.
Once created, set the list to either Shared or Public so it can be accessed by the application committee.
Private lists can only be viewed by you. Copy the link to your list and paste it here.
For more tips on creating great lists, visit this Connect post.

● In a few sentences, tell us why we should pick you to attend Connect Live 2020.
Responses must be written in English.
☞ ____________________
- Perhaps you love hosting meet-ups or you like greeting new Connect members.

● In a few sentences, tell us why you want to attend Connect Live 2020 and what you hope to learn if chosen to attend.
Responses must be written in English.
☞ ____________________

● If you are on Twitter, please share a link to your profile.
☞ ____________________
- While not required, sharing a link to your profile may help us to get to know you better.

● If you are on Instagram, please share a link to your profile.
☞ ____________________
- While not required, sharing a link to your profile may help us to get to know you better.

● If you have a blog, website, or have ever been published, please share relevant links.
☞ ____________________
- While not required, sharing this information may help us to get to know you better.

□ I give Google permission to use my application (including my video and my photo) for marketing and promotional use.
I also understand that by completing this application, it does not mean I am guaranteed a spot at Connect Live.


Google Connect Live 2020

#GoogleLocalGuides #구글로컬가이드 Level 5 이상이 되면 매년 10월 경 미국 샌프란시스코에서 개최되는 #Google #ConnectLive #커넥트라이브 참가 신청 안내 메일이 3월초에 아래와 같이 발송됩니다. 2019년까


구글 지역가이드 한국인 최초로 커넥트라이브 초대

저는 400점 만점 수능 때 영어 과목은 전부찍어야 할 정도로 영어를 못하고, 싫어했어요20살이 되어서도 싫...
